A Public Company
Una Compañía Pública
Un líder de la industria con accionistas en su núcleo
Estamos orgullosos de ser un compañía pública, un hecho fundamental para nosotros como empresa. Y nuestros empleados están de acuerdo ya que un 50% de ellos son accionistas.
Enlistada en la Bolsa de Valores de Milán en el Índice FTSE MIB, nuestro foco central es crear productos innovadores y entregar proyectos revolucionarios que garanticen ganancias de largo plazo, aseguren valor para nuestros accionistas e inspiren la confianza del mercado en la compañía.

Institutional investors by Geography

Staying close to our stakeholders
We provide clear and transparent communication of our strategic and financial operations, always acting in line with current rules and procedures relating to best practice. We believe this allows us to stay close to our customers and shareholders, creating a relationship of trust and accountability, and allowing us to adapt and perform at the cutting edge of the market.
We conduct hundreds of meetings yearly with the financial community. Our quarterly results and all relevant information are always promptly communicated to all our shareholders, financial analysts and specialists.
Prysmian promptly informs shareholders and potential shareholders of any decisions likely to have a material impact on their investment.

Going well beyond good practice
As of 2015, we’re listed on the prestigious FTSE4Good Global Index, which recognises companies that demonstrate ethical and transparent governance practices and implement strong sustainability policies across their business.
FTSE4Good measures company performance against accepted global standards of social responsibility, facilitating investment in those companies. Prysmian goes well beyond what the FTSE Group sees as good practice.
Our shares are also included in the ECPI Global Developed ESG Best in Class Equity Index – a selected list of global companies that excel in terms of environmental, social and governance (ESG) practices.

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